None of them
Intro: G - Em - C - D ( 2x ) G Em I look at her and have to smile C As we go driving for a while D Triad Looking nowhere in the open window of my car G Em And as we go the traffic lights C Watch them glimmer in her eyes D In the darkness of the eveningG Em And I've got all that I need C D Right here in the passenger seat G Em Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road C D Knowing that she's inches from me We stop to get something to drink My mind pounds and I can't think Scared to death to say i love her Then a moon peeks from the clouds Hear my heart that beats so loud Try to tell her simply That REPEAT Chorus Oh and REPEAT Chorus C Bm C D G Oh and I know that this love grow Oh REPEAT Chorus And REPEAT Chorus And REPEAT Chorus G Em And I've got all that I need C D Right here in the passenger seat .....
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