None of them
D G D Verse 1: I sought the Lord and He answered me A G D And delivered me from every fear D G D Those who look on Him are radiant A G D They'll never be ashamed, They'll never be ashamed D G D Verse 2: This poor man cried and the Lord heard me A G D And saved me from my enemies D G D The son of God surrounds his saints A G D He will deliver them, He will deliver them Bm G D Chorus: Magnify the Lord with me Bm G D A Come exalt His name together Bm G D glorify the Lord with me Bm G D A Come exalt His name forever D G D Verse 3: Oh taste and see that the Lord is good A G D Oh blessed is He who hides in him D G D Oh fear the Lord all of you saints A G D He'll give you everything, He'll give you everything (Chorus) Bm D Bridge: Let us bless the Lord, everyday and night. Bm D A Never ending praise, May our incense rise (x4) (Chorus x2)
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