None of them
Chords relative to capo 2 Verse: A2 A2/G# A2/F# E Beauty, For Ashes D2 D2/C# D2/B E A Garment of Praise, For my heaviness A2 A2/G# A2/F# E Beauty, For Ashes D2 D2/C# D2/B E Take this heart of Stone and make it F#2 G2 F#2 E Yo.......urs, Yo.......urs.A2 F#2 I Delight myself, in the richest of fare G2 Trading all that I've had D/F# E For all that is better. A2 F#2 A Garment of Praise, For my heaviness G2 D/F# You are the greatest, taste E A2 You're the richest of fare. ********* You found it here at E-Chords David Campbell Ontario Canada
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