None of them
Please note these chords may be incorrect, these chords were determined by ear Based on this tiktok Capo 8 Verse One Am All I want to do is you and your dishes Am C G Fmaj you in your room and cups in the kitchen Em I'll get the water running Fmaj don't think nothing of it D7 G baby give me something to clean Verse Two Am cause all I want to do is you and your laundry Am C G Fmaj sweaters and machines and the scent of your body Em I'll get the water running Fmaj don't think nothing of it D7 G baby give me something to clean E E E bridge Fmaj C i polished off another glass of wine E Am G Fmaj I've had something on my mind for the longest time Fmaj C you and I feel so aligned tonight E Am G Fmaj C and soon the moon and you and I will collide and I'll tidy it up G E I don't mind picking up after us. Verse Three Am All I want to do is you and your dishes Am C G Fmaj you in your room and cups in the kitchen Em I'll get the water running Fmaj don't think nothing of it D7 G baby give me something to clean Verse Four Am cause all I want to do is you and your laundry Am C G Fmaj sweaters and machines and the scent of your body Em I'll get the water running Fmaj don't think nothing of it D7 G baby give me something to clean
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