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Phineas And Ferb - Were Watchin' And Were Waitin' chords

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Phineas And Ferb - Were Watchin' And Were Waitin'

Intro: Am7   A/F#   (4x) 

      Am7                A/F# 
We're watchin' and we're waitin', 
       Am7                      A/F# 
On the edge of our seats, anticipatin'. 
      Am            C 
It's looking awful permanent, 
    A/F#              F   B7    E 
But we know it could go away-ay-ay. 

       Am                                    C 
We're keeping our eyes peeled, keeping 'em glued to the spot. 
       Am                                  C 
'Cause one moment it's there but then the next maybe not. 
       Am                         C 
Don't know if it's magic or some deep cosmic plot, 
          Am                 C 
So we're watchin' and we're waitin'. 

Am  C  A/F#  F 

        Am                                C 
We're starin' and we're glarin' 'til our corneas burn. 
    Am                                                 C 
We hope it will stay for the rest of the day 'til our Mama returns. 
    Am          C          A/F#       F             B7   E 
So don't even think about blinking or it just might go away. 

          Am7          A/F# 
So we're watchin' and waitin'. 
          Am7          A/F# 
So we're watchin' and waitin'. 
            Am7          A/F# 
Yeah we're watchin' and waitin'. 
We're watchin'.  
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