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Embraceable You- George & Ira Gershwin Tabbed by Robin Young VERSE 1 G Dozens of girls would storm up D7 I had to lock my door F#m D7 Somehow I couldn’t warm up Eb9 D7 G Am7 D7 To one be-fore VERSE 2 G What was it that controlled me? F#7 B What kept my love-life lean? F#7 B My intuition told me Am7 G You’d come on the scene PRE-CHORUS Em A9 Em A9 Em Em6 Em Lady, listen to the rhythm of my heartbeat A7 Am D Am D Am D Am D And you’ll get just what I mean CHORUS 1 G C#dim D7 Am11 Fm6 D7 Embrace me, my sweet em-brace-a-ble you Am F7 D7 G D7sus4 G Embrace me, you ir-re-place-a-ble you Em Em7 Em6 F#7 Bm Bb+ Bm7 E7 Just one look at you, my heart grew tipsy in me D D#dim A7 D7 You and you a-lone bring out the gypsy in me CHORUS 2 G C#dim D7 C Fm6 D7 I love all the many charms a-bout you Am F7 D7 G7 D7sus4 Bbm6 G7 Above all, I want my arms a-bout you C Am6 B7 Don’t be a naughty baby Em Eb+ G Em6 Come to papa, come to papa, do G Cm6 D G My sweet Em-brace-A-ble you Eb – A – D7 (repeat chorus 1&2- end on G)
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