None of them
Tuning (low to high): DADGBe Key: /= slide up \=slide down b= bend r= release o= open wah c= closed wah Intro: Set your Digitech Whammy pedal up 2 octaves. Pick the G string behind the nut on your Fender Telecaster, and move the whammy pedal from toe down to toe up. Repeat two more times. Chorus: e ------------------|------------------ B ------------------|------------------ G ------------------|------------------ D ------------------|------------------ A ----------3--5--3-|----------------3- D -3-0--0-0---------|-3-0--0-0-3--5---- For the verse, turn your Dunlop Crybaby on, and open and close it to the beat of the song (ie, open on the quarter beats, closed on the &s). Verse: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c e -----------------|----------------- B -----------------|----------------- G -----------------|----------------- D ---------3-------|----------------- A -5---------------|-3--------------- D -----------------|----------------- Break: e ------------------|------------------ B ------------------|------------------ G ------------------|------------------ D ------------------|----------3--5--6- A ----------3--5--3-|----------3--5--6- D -3-0--0-0---------|-3-0--0-0-3--5--6- e ------------------|---------------------------- B ------------------|---------------------------- G ------------------|---------------------------- D -----7-------7----|-------10----------10------- A ---7---7---7---7--|----10----10----10----10---- D -7-------7--------|-10----------10----------10- e ------------------|-------------------- B ------------------|-------------------- G -----5-------5----|-----4-------4------ D ---4---4---4---4--|---3---3---3---3---- A ------------------|-------------------- D -6-------6--------|-5-------5--------6- e ------------------|---------------------------- B ------------------|---------------------------- G ------------------|---------------------------- D -----7-------7----|-------10----------10------- A ---7---7---7---7--|----10----10----10----10---- D -7-------7--------|-10----------10----------10- e ------------------|-------------------- B ------------------|-------------------- G -----5-------5----|-----4-------4------ D ---4---4---4---4--|---3---3---3---3---- A ------------------|-------------------- D -6-------6--------|-5-------5--------5- Chord Break: Dm F e -----------------|-----------------| B --6--------------|--6--------------| G --7--------------|--5--------------| D --7--------------|--3--------------| A --5--------------|--3--------------| D --0--------------|--3--------------| C5 Dm e --3--------------|----------------- B --5--------------|--6-------------- G --5--------------|--7-------------- D --5--------------|--7-------------- A --3--------------|--5-------------- D -----------------|--0-------------- Breakdown: e -----------------|----------------- B -----------------|----------------- G -----------------|----------------- D --5--7--5--7-----|--5--7--5--7----- A --3--5--3--5-----|--3--5--3--5----- D --------------0--|----------------- Ending: e ------------------|------------------ B ------------------|------------------ G ------------------|------------------ D ------------------|----------3--5--6 A ----------3--5--3-|----------3--5--6 D -3-0--0-0---------|-3-0--0-0-3--5--6 Structure: Intro Chorus x 4 Verse x 10 Chorus x 4 Verse x 8 Chorus x 4 Break Chord x 2 Break Break x 4 Down Chorus x 4 Ending
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