S Aerosmith

Angel harmonica


Album:Gold (Remastered)


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7 –8  8 7   -6   7  -6     7  -6 7 –6   -8 -6     
I’m a-lone. Yeah, I don’t know if I can face the  
6  7    7  -8  8  7  7  -8   8   8   8   8  8 
night. I’m in tears and the cry-in’ that I do 
–9  8   9  -7  –7   7    7     -6   -6    6    
is for you. I want your love. Let’s break the  
  6    5   -6   6    -7   -7   7   7    -6  -6 
walls be-tween us. Don’t make it tough. I’ll put 
6  6   5 –6 6   -7  -7    7   7     -6   -6   6 
a-way my pride. E-nough's e-nough. I’ve suf-fered 
 6   6    -6   7   -8     8 –8   7     7  -8 
and I’ve seen the light. Ba-yay-by, you’re my  
 8  7    7   -6   7    6 –8   7 
an-gel. Come and save me to-night. 
   7   -8  8  7     7  -6    7   6 –8    7        
You’re my an-gel, come and make it all right.   
  8     8    8   8   8   8 8 7 –6  7    -6     
Don’t Know what I’m gon-na d-o, a-bout this  
 -8  -6   6  6 7   7    -8  8  7   7  -8 
feel-ing in-side. Yes, it’s true, and the 
  8   8   8    8   8 –9  8  9    -7  -7    7  
lone-li-ness took me for a Ride. With-out your 
 7   -6   -6   6   6  5 –6   6    -7  -7    7 
love I’m noth-ing but a beg-gar. With-out your 
  7  -6  -6   6   6  5 –6 6   -7   -7 7  7 
love, a dog with-out a bone. What can I Do? 
-6   -6   6    6   6  -6  7  -8    8 –8   7        
I’m sleep-in’ in this bed a-lone. Ba-yay-by,  
  7    -8  8  7     7   -6   7  6  -8   7 
you’re My an-gel. Come and save me to-night. 
   7   -8  8  7     7  -6    7   6 –8    7  
You’re my an-gel, come and make it all right. 
  -9    -9  -9  8 –8   7      7    7   7  -6   
You’re the rea-son I Live. You’re the rea-son  
 6  6     7    7   7   6  6   7 
I die. You’re the rea-son I Give. 
  7  7   7    -7  -6  -6    -9    -9  -9  8  -8 
When I break down and cry. Don’t need no rea-son 
-8    8 –8   8 –8   8 –8   7     7   -8  8  7    
Why. Ba-by, ba-by, ba-yay-by, you’re my an-gel.  
  7   -6   7   6 -8   7       7  -8   8  7 
Come And save me to-night. You’re my an-gel. 
  7  -6   7   6  -8   7        7   -8  8  7 
Come and make it All right. You’re my an-gel.  
  7   -6   7  6  -8   7       7   -8  8  7  
Come and save me to-night. You’re my an-gel. 
  7  -6    7  6  -8   7      7  -6   7   6 
Come and take me al-right. Come and Save me  
 –8  7      7   -6   7   6 –8   7      7  -6 
to-night. Come and save me to-night. Come and 
  7   6 -8   7      7   7    7   6 –8   7          
Save me to-night. Come and save me to-night.   
  7   7    7   6 -8   7 
Come and save me to-night
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